Sun Opposed Neptune

“It’s just late summer angst,” says my logical inner voice. For the past few days, I have been wrestling with an itchy urge to accomplish something productive – quickly followed by an equally strong wave of ennui.  I have tried to just push through it but it is...

New Moon in Libra – No Way to Slow Down

Perhaps this New Moon in Libra has you feeling a little grumpy and restless. Every New Moon is a threshold – a starting gate – for the month ahead. Usually this would equal quiet contemplation followed by gentle excitement and a sense of purpose – not...

Mars Opposed Uranus – Nov 17 2021

I have been trying to find the right words to prepare all my friends for Mercury and then Mars opposing Uranus (November 13 and 17 respectively.) But the words just wouldn’t come. Today, I don’t know if I’ve found the words – but I have definitely found the emotions!...

Venus Conjunct Pluto in Capricorn

The holiday season can be magical, exciting, joyful…and… a relationship minefield. This is true for many of us every year but this year we add in the disconnect of a couple of years of COVID-19 isolation. It is hard enough to stay pleasant and conversational with the...