The Planets

  Astrology is the study of the movements of the planets in our solar system and their effects on the human experience. Each planet represents different aspects of our psyche, personality, or experience. The five planets closest to and including the Sun are known...

Moon Conjunct Saturn

Although this is a fleeting aspect, it offers a gift for those looking for encouragement to do the “hard thing.” Is there something that just keeps getting pushed back and back on the list of must dos? Something that you know must get done but your heart just isn’t in...

Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

OK fellow star watchers –there is no doubt that we are living in interesting times. On Tuesday, November 8th, the stars will give us another magnificent example of just how interesting the times can be. What we are looking at is: This is a Full Moon in Taurus conjunct...

Venus Besieged

Spring has sprung, right? So, why does it feel like an over officious crossing guard is blocking our path? Tantalized by all the colors, beauty, and delights around us, the way is not yet open for us to dive in. What’s the holdup? Venus, the goddess of love, pleasure,...

Progressed Moon Phase

Recently (January 28th) my Progressed Moon phase moved from Balsamic or Waning Crescent into the New Moon phase. I would love to report that cymbals clashed, angels sang, and all manner of glory arrived in cloth of gold – they didn’t – or at least not where...